Our attention has great worth and value. Every day it is being bought and sold as a commodity.
Entities like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pay money to get your attention for free, then turn around and sell it to advertisers.
Think of a Super Bowl ad. These prime advertising slots cost millions and millions of dollars for thirty seconds of airtime, and companies pay it without hesitation because those companies know that your attention has great worth.
So if your attention has such great worth and value to them, how much could it also hold for you?
One thing to realize about paying attention is that you’re always either spending your attention or you’re investing your attention. You have to figure out what really makes sense for you to invest your attention into.
Are you just scrolling Facebook or YouTube or are you investing attention into things that will fulfill your purpose in life and in business?
My hope for you is that you take a good look at your attention spending today and prioritize the things that will give you the best return on investment.
Josh Melton is one of the founders of The Entrepreneur Adventure podcast. For more engaging content from Josh, follow him on Instagram or Facebook @sidegigprophet.