Alex Trebek was on tv every weekday for most of my life.
He spent 36 years as the host of Jeopardy and found great success doing the same thing over and over and over again – getting people to ask the right question.
Here are two lessons I learned from Alex that will serve any of us well.
Lesson 1: Be consistent.
Most people miss out on success in life not because it’s hard to achieve, but because it’s often monotonous. They miss out because they get bored and move on to something else.
Think about it:
- How exciting is it to save a little money every day for 40 years?
- How exciting is it to work out every day?
- How exciting is it to say “I love you” every day?
None of these are exciting, but they are absolutely essential to succeeding at a high level financially, physically, and relationally.
Focus on doing the right things over and over and over again.
Don’t let boredom rob you of who you could be.
Lesson 2: Lead others to ask the right questions.
For 36 years, Alex provided people with information that prompted them to ask “the right question.”
We help people more by equipping them to ask the right questions than we do by simply providing them with the right answers.
Leaders don’t just tell people what to think, we teach them how to think. The best way to do this is to help people learn the art and develop the skill of asking right questions.
What about you?
Would you be willing to ask yourself these three questions?
- Am I staying consistent?
- Am I getting others to ask the right questions?
- Am I requiring excellence from myself so that I can inspire excellence in others?
To your excellence & beyond,