We all feel it from time to time, and that’s okay. So since we know it’s coming, what do we do about it when it shows up? Here’s what I do:
1. CONFESS – We live our lives at blazing speeds and sometimes our eyes get tired of all the flashing lights. The first step in overcoming overwhelm is to recognize that you feel it and admit it. Confess it out loud. It’s okay to say “You know, I feel a little overwhelmed right now.”
2. CONFIDE – My hope for you is that you have someone in your life that you care about and that cares about you… someone that you can confide in. You don’t need this person to solve your problems, you just need to let someone know where you’re at. We often stumble when we walk alone in the dark. Sharing where you’re at with friends that care allows them to shine the light for you when you feel yours is a little dim.
3. CONCENTRATE – Don’t give in to the ‘overwhelm’, instead, focus on the things that bring you peace. Whether you need to turn on the meditation app or your favorite song, write in your journal or go for a walk in the park, find a way to turn your attention away from what’s stressing you and onto what’s blessing you. What are you thankful for? What basic, simple part of life are you minimizing or forgetting because of all the pressure you feel at the moment? I like to write down or say aloud the simple blessings I have in my life: hot shower, hot coffee, hot wife 🙂 Concentrate on “blessed” and “stressed” will often melt away.
What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Josh Melton is one of the founders of The Entrepreneur Adventure podcast. For more engaging content from Josh, follow him on Instagram or Facebook @sidegigprophet.