Am I the only one hearing it… Surely it’s not just me???
News and Opinions are being
non-stop constantly communicated 24/7
with intensity and FORCE!
Have you noticed???
Lotta Words
Lotta Drama
Lotta Chatter
But does it Matter?
Do you wanna turn it off or shut it down?
Me too brother. Me too.
So here’s a quick reminder for you and for me, b/c it’s so easy to get distracted in all this NOISE.
Don’t lose your soul in this moment.
Don’t lose focus on what is truly significant in your life.
Don’t get so caught up in the nonstop chatter
That you start to neglect what really does matter
Don’t get so caught up on making your point that you take your eye off of making a difference.
Making a difference is
Much more important than
Making a point.
So don’t be like all the average guys regurgitating opinions they heard on the news.
Require Excellence from Yourself
So that you can
Inspire Excellence in Others.