When you really believe in something you’re going to stand on the corner of the street and scream the good news to whoever will listen.
Macy McNeely, The Guide Culture
Life is a Sales Game.
Macy McNeely: I first began studying sales with the thought that I needed to do it for my business but what I quickly realized is that life is a sales game. I knew these were life skills people were missing. A lot of times in business, people think they’re good if their sales are good, but here at The Guide Culture we’ve found that there’s always room to learn and improve.
Josh: I’ve found that most people consider sales training to be a one-time thing, but you all have a lot of repeat customers, can you tell us about that? What is it about Guide Culture that is making people sign up for the next class?
Macy: What we have found is that when you repeat something, you master it. Repetition is the King of Learning. If you’re the master of this material, you can have a solid, belief-driven response to any question.
Belief has a sound.
Macy McNeely
A certain posture, tone, and cadence of voice. You earn that sound.
Chad: I love to see how you apply sales on every level of life, because sales has such an icky connotation to it but every business has some level of sales attached to what they’re doing and if they don’t master that skill they’re losing ground. So is sales something that you’ve always had an interest in, or is this some new territory for you?
Sales skills are just Human Skills
Macy: 46% of sales people did not want to be sales people at the beginning. Which is really good news because that means you can learn these skills and don’t have to be born with them. I wanted nothing to do with the business world and so I actually started a ministry. But I knew there was more for me to do and I didn’t know what. When I learned these skills… I realized that it was the secret I was missing!
I think the thing that people don’t take into account – because sales skills are just HUMAN skills – when you’re able to surrender to the idea that you’re selling things all the time and just learn how to do it, you lose the sales-y energy and you now have a confident communication and leadership skill.
Josh: It’s helping someone see your perspective or point of view that moves them in a certain direction. What would you say it is about sales and influence that isn’t a natural part of being human?
Sales are made by Discovering and Filling the needs of your prospect.
Macy: Now that I look back on my life, I can see my dad using these sales skills on me. I think the thing I struggled with initially, before I worked with my dad, was just a couple pieces of technique.
My business worked through Instagram, I’d create stories and start conversations, then make the sale through direct messaging. And what would happen is that people would message me with a question and I would just answer them right away, factually. Instead of being genuinely curious about them and wanting to help them beyond just making a sale.
I later realized that I could build a case around why my product would be so worth it for that person by asking them questions before trying to make a sale.
Our brains are looking for things that are easy, we were created to manage our energy.
Macy McNeely
The brain wants to hear about themselves and what’s in it for them. So really learning how to simplify the communication and talk to that person about their needs changed the game.
Chad: The question I hear often from a lot of startup entrepreneurs is, “when do I start selling? Do I have to perfect my product first?” How would you advise that younger group of entrepreneurs that’s starting a newer business?
Start selling before Perfecting Products.
Macy: I don’t know about you, but I live in B-minus work. Everything I do starts at B-minus and we upgrade as we go. We would just try it over and over, upgrading and refining every time. We just worked to get those reps in. Nobody needs to know that it’s B-minus work, as long as you show up believing that it’s the best thing for them!
Executing, getting it out there, and getting it sold is something I’m obsessed with.
If you don’t have something to sell, you don’t have a business.
Macy McNeely
Josh: A mentor of mine said recently, “All ideas are good ideas.” The idea that you finish with typically isn’t the one you started with, but your good idea only came because you were willing to execute on the bad idea to start.
But let me ask you this now, why do you think that sales is a dirty word? How come people want to do all those other things first? Why is it that we’re so reluctant and scared by the word sales?
Belief in the Value of your Product is Essential
Macy: Sales activity can be hard work. You have to push yourself to do things that might be uncomfortable. So your brain is going to resist and go to something that’s more fun and easy. I think a lot of people lie to themselves, they say they’re working on branding but they’re not doing anything that’s actually moving the needle forward.
Sales training is a mentality shift. If you are struggling to take money for your product, it’s a mindset. Think of it as them appreciating you for making their life better. But also you might be struggling with whether you’re giving enough value for what you’re charging. A huge part of it is just thinking correctly.
You should believe that your product is so freaking good it’s insane not to buy it.
Macy McNeely
Chad: Most startups or entrepreneurs I see undervalue their product in the beginning. They’re trying to trade time for money not money for money. They believe in their product but haven’t quite been able to adjust to the value of it.
Josh: Where do you start with people who struggle to believe in the value of their product?
Provide yourself with Evidence that your product has Value.
Macy: There are so many varying factors that go into that, but the thing is to move people to the place beyond any questions. We talk a lot about evidence. Proof that what you have works well or matters. Statistics, stories, testimonials… When you start to get a bank of evidence, your belief will rise.
Evidence comes from learning what great successful people do and how it applies to you.
Chad: How do you coach someone who feels that their personality isn’t aligned with sales?
Sales is a Learned Behavior
Macy: First thing we do is change what they say to, “I am a great salesperson.” Because you’re going to act according to the things you subconsciously say. So a huge part is just changing the words.
Also, you can turn it on. The personality and characteristics of a sales person are just skills, they can be a lot of work but they are still a learned behavior.
Josh: Can you talk about getting them over the hump of starting to say something they don’t believe?
Macy: The power of an affirmation over time is game-changing. Saying, “I am _____,” without even truly believing it will shape you over time to be that way. But it is a constant effort of watching the things that go into your brain and controlling what comes out of your mouth.
Chad: Then over time you start to crave that growth and those changes.
Macy: It’s one thing to tell a person what they should do to change and it’s another to convince them and help them to change their mind and behavior.
Chad: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a new entrepreneur?
Macy: People tend to talk a lot about themselves to sell that they know what they’re talking about. But the way to sell yourself is to not talk about yourself. Talk about them – how does it help them?
Take “I, we, us,” and “me,” out of your vocabulary and let the other person be the star of your conversation.
Macy McNeely
The followers don’t matter, it’s your ability to convert your followers into sales.
More Sales, Better Clients, Faster Results downloadable resource from Guide Culture
“Psychology of Winning,” by Dennis Waitley
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Josh Melton @sidegigprophet
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